Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Format Flashdisk with the NTFS file system

Some of us may be less attention to the file system type used Flashdisk us, whether it is NTFS, FAT32 or FAT. To find out the file system is used, right-click Flashdisk in Windows Explorer and select Properties. Here it is seen that type of File System is used.

But when we try to mem-format through windows Explorer, there may not have the NTFS, the FAT and FAT32 only. How do I mem-NTFS format and what is the difference with the FAT and FAT32?

NTFS format is a file system after the latest Windows FAT32, and have several advantages such as the ability to store additional information about the file / folder (metadata), security features, data compression, a better structure and more.
In addition, the type of NTFS can be used to format mem-size is greater, for only 2 GB FAT, FAT32 8 TB (8,000 GB), while NTFS can be up to 16 EB (16 million TB). Nevertheless, there remain only NTFS kekurangannya, such as not legible in the Win9x and the read write to disk more often.
Because each file / folder store more information (metadata), then read the writing process each file / folder will be more common than type FAT32 or FAT, so that for the flash, affect age (resistance). Given the memory limitations Flashdisk have read the writing. (Article about keeping to be more durable flash can be read here: Characteristics and Tips Flashdisk maintain more durable)

Enabling NTFS format in Windows Explorer
We can only mem-format USB Flashdisk with type NTFS with the help of HP USB Format Tools. But the actual Windows Explorer can do. To activate the following steps can be followed
1. Open System Properties with the right click My Computer> Properties (or a keyboard with buttons Win + Break)
2. Open the Hardware tab and then click the Device Manager
3. Select Disk Drive and select Flashdisk in which you want to format with NTFS, right click, select Properties.
4. Once open select the Policies tab
5. Select Optimize for performance, and click OK

6. Then try right-click the flash drive in Windows Explorer and select the Format menu, then there should appear NTFS File System.

To note when this option is enabled, each flash should always pull out through the Safety Remove Hardware. If the option is "Optimize for quick removal" is actually the flash can be removed immediately, without the Safety Remove Hardware

Test between NTFS, FAT32 and FAT

I have tried some of the comparison (especially the process to copy data) type with different, and the results are as follows:

11 * Copy the file (the size of each around 170 MB) total about 1.8 GB
NTFS 04:44 (4 minutes 46 seconds)
FAT32 05:09 (5 minutes 9 seconds)
FAT 04:46 (4 minutes 46 seconds)
1297 * Copy files (size between 1 KB to 23 KB) with a total of 8.23 MB
NTFS 29 seconds
FAT32 56 seconds
FAT 58 seconds
* Capacity in the format
NTFS 2,038,044,672 bytes Used space 12,937,216 bytes (12.3 MB)
FAT32 2,046,959,616 bytes Used space 4096 bytes (4.00 KB)
FAT 2,050,686,976 bytes Used Space 0 bytes

Copy the visible data with NTFS, relatively quickly, but after the size of the format a little smaller because of the additional space required is greater for the file / folder (metadata). If the flash is often used to read and write process does not require the NTFS features, such as data security, then select the type FAT32 may be better.

Insyaallah next article will discuss about the type utilizing NTFS Flahsdisk to protect from the virus will create, delete or modify the program with a simple Autorun.inf I create "Super Autorun".

Prevent Virus Autorun.inf make the Super Autorun

Continuing the previous any posts about Secure dummy file with the flash and with flash format type NTFS, this time it will continue on the technical protection of the flash drive or a virus or program that will create the file Autorun.inf, simple program with Super Autorun. So it can be expected to reduce the spread of the virus.
I had doubts the effectiveness of this way, because it thinks it easy for viruses to change, delete, and create a new autorun.inf file.
Some of this information I can after reading one of any posts in the blog WinPowerTips. Indeed, with only the file autorun.inf to make it, even though the system hidden attribute will be easily overcome by the virus. But there is described with three levels and the result is not easy to delete the file and try to make the virus Autorun.inf file with the usual way will fail.

The following short explanation of the level 3 (stages) to prevent the virus to create / modify the Autorun.inf file:
1. Prevent the virus to create the autorun.inf file on how to create a folder Autorun.inf. Because if you already have this folder then the Autorun.inf file will not be made.
2. Prevent virus remove Autorun.inf folder (with the usual way) by adding Unicode files inside. This fact can make the virus or error programmernya close if not overcome with good.
3. Prevents users Removing Autorun.inf folder with the folder not terhapuskan. Such as Microsoft own explanation that sometimes we can not remove file / folder name if the name is invalid (disability).
Explanation about the length of each level, please visit the blog directly the IT Guy is. Because there are also many tips-other interesting tips.
However, with 3 levels itupun, if virusnya (the virus) and the jelly can still overcome the virus and can still create Autorun.inf file to transmit itself.
Super Autorun
Provided in the blog file vbs (visual basic script), to create Autorun.inf folders and folders that are not [easily] terhapuskan (phases 1 and 3) to phase 2 (make the file unicode) we have to create your own.
After reading the article, I tried googling further information (details) about this, and finally, I try (inspired) to make the file a simple, small and easy to use anyone else associated with this. The result? Super Autorun

File size is only about 24 KB, no need to install the. Consistent with its name, aims to create a folder / file-specific, to prevent the virus (easily) create, modify or delete the file Autorun.inf. This file using additional special techniques, so that it can not be easily removed, or modified by direname virus. For unicode file, not included in this program.

Use Super Autorun

This program is very easy to use, run the live file, then select the drive that will be used as a target or choose "Select all drives" to select all drives, then click Create Autorun.inf, If you already have a file / folder Autorun.inf then this program will try immediately remove, and create new ones. If you are successful, please try to delete, rename, edit, open this folder in any way.

So essentially, this program will create Autorun.inf folders that are not easy to erase, or rename the modifications, so that viruses or other programs can not create file Autorun.inf.

In order to succeed, then the flash drive or to be made must bertipe NTFS. To Flashdisk, because the default Windows Explorer does not have the menu to format NTFS, I can read any posts before mem-Tips Flashdisk format with NTFS file system

Download Super Autorun (24 KB)

Note: This technique is not to prevent the virus to duplicate itself flash, only to prevent the virus mambuat file Autorun.inf, so it does not spread to the computer without us. Perhaps the future can be combined with comprehensive protection creating dummy files protected with Super Autorun to protect the flash. If you want to delete the folder had autorun.inf, can use the software Unlocker

If there is input and suggestions about this program please email or write a comment.

Prayer reminder in Mozilla Firefox, Pray Times !

For those of you who frequent browsing (exploring) the virtual world with Mozilla Firefox, so if there is no reminder, could forget the time when prayer has been entered. Among the benefits of Firefox is support Add-ons (additional functions) that there are so many. One of them is a prayer reminder.
One of the add-ons that are quite useful Pray Times!, Prayer reminder for Firefox.
Pray Times! calculation algorithm using a similar (possibly the same) with a prayer reminder application, such as Shollu, Azan Times and others. So if Shollu have been using, then look almost the same time.
What are the features of Pray Times!
* Different methods of prayer time calculation
* Information within the time prayer
* Automatic azan voice or other audio when the time comes
* Support various places in the world
* The calculation of local (does not need internet connection)
* Display information prayer time when the mouse on the area of Pray Times!
* Not limited Operating System that is used, which use web browser Mozilla Firefox
* Various options (calculation) that can be entered manually
* Available jadwan monthly prayer time

How Installasi
1. Go to the URL address Pray Times!
2. Click the "Add to Firefox".

3. And if the browser used is Firefox, it will automatically install the direct add-on, with confirmation as shown below:

4. Just click the Install Now. See the effect so that firefox needs to be opened and closed again.
Download and manually Installasi
If we do not want to install directly from the brower firefox (possible to install in the home, eman browser, computer, etc.), then we can download this add-on separately.

Download the add-on
1. Use a browser other than Firefox, for example, Chrome, IE, Safari, etc. Operas.
2. Open the link above, Pray Times!
3. Just click "Add to Firefox", it will be in the download file pray_times!-1.1.3-fx.xpi

4. Save this file on your computer.

Add-on installation manually:
1. Open the Firefox browser
2. Select the File menu> Open File, and locate the file before (pray_times!-1.1.3-fx.xpi)
3. Click Open, then it will continue with the installation process of Pray Times!
In the right corner of the Firefox browser will look prayer time. To set, please right click and select Opstions. Azan files that are included only a sample only, so only heard the sound Takbir adzan. To download files adzan other, can be downloaded from

In addition to the Pray Times!, Reminders prayer for windows could use Shollu, while for handphone (HP) and other gadgets that support java, can use the Azan Times.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Kaspersky Mobile Security S60v3 v6.0

Kaspersky® Mobile security is a convenient and reliable solution that protects smartphones from malicious programs that target mobile platforms. Viruses, worms and Trojans have spread beyond personal computers. With the growing popularity of smartphones and communicators (that are essentially small computers), malicious programs for mobile devices are appearing in increasing numbers and diversity. For an in-depth look at how widespread mobile malware really is in the modern world, read our white paper, "Mobile Malware Evolution". In developing Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile we have combined the latest Kaspersky Lab technologies to protect mobile platforms with our long experience of working in the antivirus field. This solution offers effective protection for your smartphone and personal data from malicious programs. Functions: * On-demand scanning. You can launch a scan of your mobile at any time. Scanning the memory of a mobile device takes several minutes at most. It is possible to focus scanning on memory cards, individual folders and files. If an infected object is detected, it is stored in the quarantine folder or deleted. * On-access scanning All incoming or modified SMS, MMS and email items are automatically scanned for malicious programs. The product also monitors executable files arriving via Bluetooth and other connection channels. * On-schedule scanning. You can pre-set the best time for antivirus scanning (for example, at night). Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile removes any infected objects and stores suspicious objects in quarantine. You have the option of viewing reports on suspicious objects and making the final decision. * Antispam for SMS/EMS/MMS. Telephone numbers of spam sources can easily be added to a blacklist to ensure that such messages are always blocked. You can also add addresses from your contact list to a safe list. * Automatic updates. The Kaspersky Lab Virus Lab constantly updates databases on the server with new virus samples. Antivirus databases on the phone can be updated on schedule (at intervals set by the user). By default, the databases update automatically once a week. Updates are available via WAP / HTTP (GPRS, EDGE, 3G) or with the aid of a PC. There are English version & German version in zip file.

Tech Tips for the Basic Computer User

“One of these days, I’m going to write a book called, ‘The Basics.’ It’s going to be a compendium of the essential tech bits that you just assume everyone knows–but you’re wrong.

“(I’ll never forget watching a book editor at a publishing house painstakingly drag across a word in a word processor to select it. After 10 minutes of this, I couldn’t stand it. ‘Why don’t you just double-click the word?’ She had no clue you could do that!)”

Many readers chimed in with other “basics” that they assumed every computer user knew–but soon discovered that what’s common knowledge isn’t the same as universal knowledge.

I’m sure the basics could fill a book, but here are a few to get you started. All of these are things that certain friends, family or coworkers, over the years, did *not* know. Clip, save and pass along to…well, you know who they are.

* You can double-click a word to highlight it in any document, e-mail or Web page.

* When you get an e-mail message from eBay or your bank, claiming that you have an account problem or a question from a buyer, it’s probably a “phishing scam” intended to trick you into typing your password. Don’t click the link in the message. If in doubt, go into your browser and type “” (or whatever) manually.

* Nobody, but nobody, is going to give you half of $80 million to help them liberate the funds of a deceased millionaire…from Nigeria or anywhere else.

* You can hide all windows, revealing only what’s on the computer desktop, with one keystroke: hit the Windows key and “D” simultaneously in Windows, or press F11 on Macs (on recent Mac laptops, Command+F3; Command is the key with the cloverleaf logo). That’s great when you want examine or delete something you’ve just downloaded to the desktop, for example. Press the keystroke again to return to what you were doing.

* You can enlarge the text on any Web page. In Windows, press Ctrl and the plus or minus keys (for bigger or smaller fonts); on the Mac, it’s the Command key and plus or minus.

* You can also enlarge the entire Web page or document by pressing the Control key as you turn the wheel on top of your mouse. On the Mac, this enlarges the entire screen image.

* The number of megapixels does not determine a camera’s picture quality; that’s a marketing myth. The sensor size is far more important. (Use Google to find it. For example, search for “sensor size Nikon D90.”)

* On most cellphones, press the Send key to open up a list of recent calls. Instead of manually dialing, you can return a call by highlighting one of these calls and pressing Send again.

* When someone sends you some shocking e-mail and suggests that you pass it on, don’t. At least not until you’ve first confirmed its truth at, the Internet’s authority on e-mailed myths. This includes get-rich schemes, Microsoft/AOL cash giveaways, and–especially lately–nutty scare-tactic messages about our Presidential candidates.

* You can tap the Space bar to scroll down on a Web page one screenful. Add the Shift key to scroll back up.

* When you’re filling in the boxes on a Web page (like City, State, Zip), you can press the Tab key to jump from box to box, rather than clicking. Add the Shift key to jump through the boxes backwards.

* You can adjust the size and position of any window on your computer. Drag the top strip to move it; drag the lower-right corner (Mac) or any edge (Windows) to resize it.

* Forcing the camera’s flash to go off prevents silhouetted, too-dark faces when you’re outdoors.

* When you’re searching for something on the Web using, say, Google, put quotes around phrases that must be searched together. For example, if you put quotes around “electric curtains,” Google won’t waste your time finding one set of Web pages containing the word “electric” and another set containing the word “curtains.”

* You can use Google to do math for you. Just type the equation, like 23*7+15/3=, and hit Enter.

* Oh, yeah: on the computer, * means “times” and / means “divided by.”

* If you can’t find some obvious command, like Delete in a photo program, try clicking using the right-side mouse button. (On the Mac, you can Control-click instead.)

* Google is also a units-of-measurement and currency converter. Type “teaspoons in 1.3 gallons,” for example, or “euros in 17 dollars.” Click Search to see the answer.

* You can open the Start menu by tapping the key with the Windows logo on it.

* You can switch from one open program to the next by pressing Alt+Tab (Windows) or Command-Tab (Mac).

* You generally can’t send someone more than a couple of full-size digital photos as an e-mail attachment; those files are too big, and they’ll bounce back to you. (Instead, use iPhoto or Picasa–photo-organizing programs that can automatically scale down photos in the process of e-mailing them.)

* Whatever technology you buy today will be obsolete soon, but you can avoid heartache by learning the cycles. New iPods come out every September. New digital cameras come out in February and October.

* Just putting something into the Trash or the Recycle Bin doesn’t actually delete it. You then have to *empty* the Trash or Recycle Bin. (Once a year, I hear about somebody whose hard drive is full, despite having practically no files. It’s because over the years, they’ve put 79 gigabytes’ worth of stuff in the Recycle Bin and never emptied it.)

* You don’t have to type “http://www” into your Web browser. Just type the remainder: “” or “,” for example. (In the Safari browser, you can even leave off the “.com” part.)

* On the iPhone, hit the Space bar twice at the end of a sentence. You get a period, a space, and a capitalized letter at the beginning of the next word.

* Come up with an automated backup system for your computer. There’s no misery quite like the sick feeling of having lost chunks of your life because you didn’t have a safety copy.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Major in Computer Information Technology

The computer information technology major is designed to combine the benefits of a traditional college education with the benefits of hands-on training in state-of-the-art computer technology. Students become technically competent, but also learn to write well-organized and clear memoranda and reports. The computer information technology curriculum integrates technical skill with communication skills, superior general education requirements, and breadth of knowledge in the computer information technology field.


The student who graduates with a major in computer information technology will be able to

  • Design and implement network and database administration solutions.
  • Produce effective proposals, reports, memoranda, briefings, and documentation.
  • Communicate effectively using oral and computer-based presentation techniques.
  • Apply effective information research techniques.
  • Discuss information technology from an international and historical perspective.
  • Apply ethical judgments to thinking critically and systematically about the impact of information technology on contemporary social, political, and economic issues.

Degree Requirements

A degree with a major in computer information technology requires the successful completion of 120 credits of coursework, including 33 credits for the major, 41 credits in general education requirements, and 46 credits in the minor, electives, and other degree requirements. At least 17 credits in the major must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above), and 18 credits in courses designated CMIT.

The following course sequence will fulfill all the requirements for the BS in computer information technology. Since some recommended courses fulfill more than one requirement, substituting courses for those listed may make it necessary to take additional courses to meet degree requirements. Students should consult an advisor whenever taking advantage of other options. For information on alternate courses (where allowable) to fulfill general education requirements (in communications, arts and humanities, behavioral and social sciences, biological and physical sciences, mathematics, and interdisciplinary issues) click here. For cross-curricular requirements (in civic responsibility, historical, and international perspectives) click here.

Requirements for the Computer Information Technology Major

Coursework for a major in business administration includes the following:

  • Required foundation courses (12 credits): CMIS 102/102A (or prior programming experience and an additional supplemental course), 141/141A (or CMSC 130), and 310 and CMIT 265
  • Core courses (15 credits): Any upper-level CMIT courses
  • Supplemental major courses (6 credits): Any CMIS, CMIT, CMSC, CMST, and IFSM courses
  • Required related course (3 credits), which may be applied anywhere in the degree: MATH 107

Recommended Sequence

The following course sequence will fulfill all the requirements for the BS in computer information technology. Coursework for the major is indicated by ±. Since some recommended courses fulfill more than one requirement, substituting courses for those listed may make it necessary to take additional courses to meet degree requirements. Students should consult an advisor whenever taking advantage of other options. For information on alternate courses (where allowable) to fulfill general education requirements (in communications, arts and humanities, behavioral and social sciences, biological and physical sciences, mathematics, and interdisciplinary issues) click here. For cross-curricular requirements (in civic responsibility, historical, and international perspectives)

Information Technology Computer Degree Choices

Those considering earning a degree or certification in information technology (IT) will find many choices from which to choose. As adults considering an IT degree search the list of available options, they soon discover there are more than the traditional computer science degrees available today. The range of degree options has become varied and specialized.

This change was brought about employers who want their new IT employees to have more than the traditional education available in colleges and universities. Employers prefer graduates with the ability to apply their IT learning to complex, real world challenges, as well as projects that integrate problem solving, writing, and analytical reasoning skills [The Association of American Colleges and Universities, Survey of Employers 2008].

Traditional Information Technology Degrees

Traditional IT degrees are still available in colleges and universities and are typically located within specific departments of these schools, such as: business, engineering, art, and liberal arts. The following briefly describes these degrees:

  • Computer Science – a rigorous theoretical study of data structures, operating systems, and programming.
  • Information Systems – called management information systems which teach databases, programming, and computer applications.
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering – a study of software design, communication systems, digital circuits, and technical products.

Degrees in any one of these areas are perfect for those who want to design electronic products and programs or for those who want to design new and better integrated circuit chips and digital applications.

Practical Information Technology Degrees

Employers want employees who know the practical applications of IT, along with the ability to adapt to evolving computer technology uses, equipment, and programs. These are some of the new degrees with brief descriptions:

  • Game Development – programs focus on designing and creating new games for computers and gaming systems.
  • Interactive Media – programs focus on the creation of websites and digital media to allow more interactivity in cell phones, kiosks, MP3 players, Internet, and gaming systems.
  • Network Engineer – programs focus on the application of IT in databases, programming, and networks.
  • Human Computer Interaction – programs focus on the practical application how humans interact with technology and the development of new computer interfaces.
  • Software Engineering – programs focus on the engineering applications and practical approaches to software development.
  • Multimedia Specialist – programs focus on the practical applications of computer programs and software in various industries for presentation and professional development.
  • Education Technology – programs focus the practical applications of IT in educational settings.

These programs may appear under different names in colleges, universities, vocational, and technical schools; however the emphasis is the same. Some schools may require enrollment in a bachelor’s degree, associate’s degree, or certificate program to enroll in specific courses. Many schools offer these programs through distance education.

Information Technology Degrees

Because of the ever-evolving information technology available for businesses and education, employers are searching for employees who understand the practical applications of IT. Also, they are searching for employees who can use their practical knowledge to solve problems which arise in IT applications.

The advantage of earning a degree in one of the new computer degrees or certificates is their specialization. These degree programs focus on completing complex real world challenge and integrating problem solving skills with analytical reasoning skills, which employers seek in new employees.

The face of information technology is evolving and anyone can be a part of this world by continuing his education to focus on these new degree choices. Visit Changing Careers to be a Web Designer and How to Select a Trade School for additional information regarding information technology degree programs.